Here is the Trail Head to Salt Pond Bay. It starts off the Pavilion Road and takes about 25 minutes to reach the water. You will pass by a fresh water pond and one of the oldest buildings on St John. Concordia was a small plantation in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Wow! Segundo and his crew are moving along quickly. This is a gabion wall for a future drive way and parking. Segundo has cleared the path for the new tree covered stairway that will lead to the Pavilion from the pool area.
Here is a close up of the rockcribs filled with stones. From a distance, they look like old plantation ruins. I wonder what the lighting will be like. I was thinking that sconces made by our art department would be pretty.
More Rockcribs await their filling. This stage should be finishing up soon and we will be laying out the forming for the floor next. Still waiting for the permit to allow the green house roof to go up. Gail gave me the second set of room tiles to mount on the Cabins. I am painting the employee house today. Maggie has gone away for vacation. I hope we can get a lot accomplished in a month while she is away. Au revoir Maggie, nous espérons que vous avez un voyage sûr et plaisant !
Nice blog! We enjoyed the tour this morning, Victor. --Len Edgerly and Darlene (Deb Determan's sister)
Thanks Len and Darlene. Concordia is an awesome place and is going to settle in nicely with St John's future.
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