Monday, June 26, 2006

These plastic circular bins were cut out for the column footings on the main floor of the pavilion.
The crew is moving along quickly on the stairway that leads from the pool to the Pavilion. We sent out a Newsletter to everyone last week so the news is out. I have a feeling we are going to get several calls from group organizations. It will be a perfect spot for a retreat. Please read the archives of this blog as you will discover the world of Concordia and the construction projects we are working on and have completed. This has been fun covering our efforts. Everyone should keep a journal.
Orchid 1, an accessible cabin is the first Eco Tent you pass when entering Concordia. No stairs. We installed ramps that provide access for individuals in wheelchair's.
The Flamboyant tree shows off it's peak beauty during the month of July. These trees are seen everywhere on St John. They indicate that the Summer is definitely here with their fiery color. I do believe Maggie returns today from her trip. Bienvenue en arriere Magggie. Nous nous sommes ennuyes de toi. J'espere que votre voyage recompensait !


At 9:43 AM, Blogger Glenda Council Beall said...

I love trees. Love your site. Found it on Dlife.


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