I hope the seasons treated all of our readers well!!
I woul like to wish a Happy New Year to you all!!
As the crew returns from a needed vacation we continue work on the finishing of our construction project. We welcome both Cyrille and Paul back to the site today for their first day back on the job. They both seem to have had a rewarding vacation and are anxious to finish up the project.

After work on Friday I took a trip down to Salt Pond for a swim and a look at how the pavilion looks from down below. In the image above you can see the resort and the new buildings on the lower portion of the site. Once the vegetation has grown around the new buildings they will be able to blend in even more. We are planning to have a native plant interpretive garden at the pavilion site, which will add to the beauty and educational value of our eco-development.
The glass block inlay has finally been completed and they have turned out fabulous. As you can see in the image above, we used a colored stucco for the outside of the buildings so no painting will be needed once the stucco has finished its drying process. The crew are in the process of attaching the greenhouse roof material to both the store and bathroom buildings.
We were able to complete the pavilion floor construction during the holiday season and it is now ready to be sealed and painted. Alfredo and Lennox worked on the installation of the trecks on the outer edge and also the placement of plywood in the center, which will be sealed this week.
Alfredo takes a moment to admire his newly built steps and his finished pavilion floor. Gravel will be spread out in the dirt area to meet the bottom step.
This is a view from the massage room adjacent to the pavilion. This room will be relaxing due to the natural light, which will pour through the greenhouse roofing material. We will be able to offer massage by appointment, quite like Maho, once we are up and running.
Stafford and the crew removed the frame from column #4 and worked on pouring column #5 last week as well. Stafford did a great job keeping the crew focused durring the holiday break. Many vendors taking time off as well held us back but he was able to keep everyone on task, never the less. In the image above Stafford smiles at the latest column creation.
They just keep getting better each time!!
We have a bulldozer on site this week working to make room for more rock cribs to complete the gravel area off of the pavilion. The crew must fill and attach 5-10 more baskets to sturcturally complete the rock wall. These cribs must be filled by hand with various sized rocks in order to retain the stability of the wall. You can also see the 6th column in the foreground.

The area the Kia is parked in will eventually be for parking but it is still filled with a rock pile for now. We will have the bulldozer operator move this pile to backfill the rock cribs and the area behind the cafe.
This view will never get old!!
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