Welcome to Cafe Concordia!!
A great deal has happened here at the resort since my last posting over a month ago. I have been so busy it was hard to even find time to make this posting.
Please send me your comments, many guests have told me they have enjoyed reading the blogg and I am glad to have such a wide range of readers out there in cyber space.

As always, feel free to ask me any qestions about our property or your future stay with us.

We had our grand opening ceremony on May 11th and it was a great success. The festivities began and ended with the food, of course. Our Chef Mon Phon grilled up tantalizing appetizers to go along with his large buffet table that was set up in the cafe. On the menu we had Mahi taco's, bruchetta, sushi, grilled sausage, heart of palm dip, veggie platters, homemade organic salsa, and much more.

Above Mon shows off his knife skills in the kitchen as he prepares for the grand opening.
In the image above you can see the rum punch station outside of the store. Below you can see the larger of the buffet tables down in the cafe.
The turn out for our opening was great. Locals and tourists alike showed up to see the finished product of our latest expansion project.
I know they were all impressed by what they found!
Above Mervin shares his tray of bruchetta with our guests.

Papa Joe our outgoing General Manager and Cici mingled with our guests down at the bar in the cafe.
The food was enticing but the sweet steel pan music of the Love City Pan Dragons entertained all of our guests throughout the night. You can see a couple on the right dancing to the music. When you do visit St. John you should try to visit the LCPD pan yard or even catch a performance if you are lucky!

The store was open for business that night and discount cards were being distributed to potential customers. Our general store features an activity center(see below), cyber cafe, wine, beer, produce, ice cream, snorkel gear and chair rental, hygienic products, Maho art, dry goods, locally made items, and we also offer pre-provisioning for our tents and studio units. Let me know if you would be interested in any of the services we provide.
Above you can see the gift corner in the store were guests can purchace local hot sauce, post cards, Concordia wear, Maho art, and books.
Yoga class have also begun in our Yoga pavilion. Classes are held on Thursday mornings at 8AM with Lori Walden. Each class is $15 per session paid to the instructor.
Come join us.... your table awaits you!!
Cafe Hours: Thursday - Tuesday 5:30 - 8
"Grill It Yourself" Monday and Tuesday Night!!
Store Hours: 7 Days 8AM-7:30PM