The 75 Rock Cribs arrived. The crew has already began tying them together and the rock filling will begin tomorrow. The custom officers were present at the dock so clearing the baskets went smoother than normal. Our EDC certificate was approved therefore we were cleared of excise tax, one of the many benefits of this new economic initiative.
Once I returned with the Rock Cribs I had to go back to Cruz Bay to pick up gravel and cement at Penn's Trucking Company The items will be used to finish the walls for the constructed wetland. We had sand left over from a previous job so we were set. I went to the landfill transfer station today and disposed of old wood. The KIA has been doing great. I have to get a photo of the hogs sometime at the transfer station. I will have to get some of the animal world here on St. John. The cows on centerline road are entertaining. It's kind of like the Larson's Farside here with cows, goats, chickens, mongoose, donkeys, deer, and sheep all running along the roads.
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